2010-2011 Annual Gifted and Talented Program Reports


TO: Superintendents of Schools
FROM: Angela Faherty, Ph.D., Commissioner of Education
DATE: September 10, 2010
RE: 2010-2011 Annual Gifted and Talented Program Reports

Each school administrative unit must complete and submit electronically either the 2010-2011 Gifted and Talented Application or Plans by December 10, 2010.  The Gifted and Talented Application, Budget, and/or Gifted and Talented Academic and Arts Plans are required as part of your Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP).  The forms are available on the Department of Education website http://www.maine.gov/education/gt/index.html .  Only a newly formed Regional School Administrative Unit (RSU) in the school year 2010-2011 needs to complete an Academic Plan, a Visual and Performing Arts Plan and the Section VI Program Budget Form.  Each town in an Alternative Organizational Structure (AOS) must complete a Gifted and Talented Program Application and Section VI Program Budget Form.  All other administrative units must complete the Gifted and Talented Program Application and the Section VI Program Budget Form. Individuals are encouraged to work with their business administrator(s), to ensure their budget data are consistent with information in the MEDMS Financial System.

The document called “Guidelines For Completing The Reports For Gifted And Talented Educational Program Approval And Approval Of Program Costs” is designed to help you complete the Application, Plans, and Budget form and can be found on the website mentioned in the above paragraph.  This document will provide you with updated yearly information.

The annual Application or Plans and Budget Forms must be submitted electronically to: GT.DOE@maine.gov by December 10, 2010. Please contact Cliff McHatten at (207) 624-6654 or email cliff.mchatten@maine.gov , if you have questions or would like further information.