Superintendents unite

Head shot of Commissioner Stephen BowenEducators from across the state gathered in Augusta for the 101st annual Maine Superintendents’ Conference earlier this week.

The 145 people in attendance listened to perspectives on student-centered learning, and participated in five of nine possible workshop sessions, ranging in topic from expanded learning opportunities to proficiency-based data management.

In the end, these two days were well spent. Most importantly, we had a chance to discuss the best ways for the Department of Education to collaborate with superintendents on our shared goal: preparing every Maine student for success.

More details about the conference and the great conversations we started there will be available soon in the Maine DOE Newsroom and in the next Commissioner’s Update.

This is the last Commissioner’s Update of the 2011-2012 school year. Over the summer, this publication will run bi-weekly. Please look for the next update on July 12.

As the fiscal year officially closes on June 30, please remember to:

  • Complete end-of-year student reporting requirements on time in order to ensure that schools have accurate data.
  • Let us know if your email address is changing by updating your subscription information.

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