EPS funding calculation data needed now

The following Priority Notice was sent to district administrators on Monday, Oct. 26.

It is imperative that you ensure your staff data is complete and accurate prior to the Nov. 13, 2015 deadline for the superintendent to certify your staff data. Between Tuesday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Nov. 13, all school administrative units and required private schools must certify the staff data.

In order to calculate the Essential Programs and Services (EPS) funding formula for the FY 17 school funding year, we will be freezing the staff data by SAU that is in the NEO Staff module on Nov. 30 and downloading the data on Dec. 1.

Information regarding staff must be complete and up-to-date for the current year in order to be used in the EPS calculation.  Data will not be able to be changed or updated after the Nov. 30 date for purposes of the EPS calculation and FY 17 school funding.

Only EPS staff records in NEO staff that are in “Active” status will be downloaded and used for the EPS calculation. All records that are in “Pending” status will NOT be part of the EPS staff data download.  If you have staff still in “Pending” status, you should either update the record with the required information to move the staff position into “Active” status, or delete the record if the position is not active this year.

EPS by FTE reports by position and staff with multiple positions reports are available for each SAU to review the EPS staff FTE data that will be used in the upcoming FY 17 school subsidy calculation.  Information about these reports and how to access them is contained in the following document:

Staff Data Reporting 2015-16

Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, the NEO Staff module replaces the former MEDMS Staff System. All staff data will now reside in this module. Staff data entry must be completed before the superintendent can certify. Training sessions were held over the summer and materials were handed out then. If you need assistance, call the MEDMS Helpdesk at 624-6896.

Due Date: Nov. 13, 2015
Topic: Staff
Who Should Submit?: Public, Private, Career Technical, and 60 Percent Publicly Funded
Access the Reporting Requirement: https://neo.maine.gov/DOE/NEO/Accounts/Account/Login
Contact: Richard Bergeron or at 624-6799.

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