Get to know the DOE Team: Meet Pam Ford-Taylor

What are your roles with DOE?

I am the DOE School Enrollment Specialist for K-12.  This includes approving public and private schools, managing home instruction, coordinating Commissioner waivers and Superintendent agreement appeals, and conducting policy and analysis work related to student enrollment and eligibility.

What do you like best about your job?

Everything! I was a university system employee for years (I loved that too). It’s great to be part of the executive branch of government where we get to share the privilege of shaping education for all of our children and youth. I also appreciate so much all of the excellent, dedicated and collaborative colleagues in the Department.

How or why did you decide on this career?  

I’ll answer by sharing a favorite statute, from § 5001-A(7):  “Compulsory education is essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people and the continued prosperity of our society and our nation. Maintaining regular student attendance is necessary to achieve the goal of an educated citizenry.”

What do you like to do outside of work for fun?

Hike the woods and fields with my cattle dog, Nancy; spend time with my husband and children camping (or doing anything); global travel; read; cook. I have a first grandchild too, very sweet!