Hall-Dale Music Teacher Goes Above and Beyond to Keep Music Education Going Strong

educator conducting outdoor concert

With only a year of teaching experience under his belt, Hall-Dale music educator David Morris has been adapting his music education program to ensure that students can learn, practice, and perform music all year long, despite COVID-19 restrictions this year.

“David Morris is an old soul; I sometimes forget that he is only a 2nd year teacher,” said Dr. Andrea Freed, a colleague and fellow educator at Hall-Dale Middle/High School. “Last spring and over the summer, he went to students’ homes and stood on their lawns, teaching them music lessons while they were safely distanced on their porches.”

More recently, David arranged an outdoor concert so that his students could safely perform, both vocally and with instruments, all the while David conducted and recorded the concert so that the entire community could hear and enjoy their hard work from the first semester.

In addition to COVID-19 restrictions on schools this year, and tackling the early part of a career in education during a global pandemic, Morris also took on both the middle school and the high school music education program until a replacement arrived in December to fill the position of a long-time music educator who recently retired.

“He is a gift to the Hall-Dale Middle/High School community,” added Dr. Freed.

Information for this story was provided by Hall-Dale Middle/High School as part of the Maine Schools Sharing Success Campaign. To submit a story or an idea, email it to Rachel at rachel.paling@maine.gov.