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PRIORITY NOTICE: Update for Personal Protective Equipment Ordering

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other materials have been ordered by the Maine Department of Education (DOE) for the purpose of supplementing the supplies of Maine’s public schools and certain other educational organizations that serve publicly funded students. This supplemental supply of materials includes items for the use of both staff in public schools and publicly funded students.

We STRONGLY encourage all eligible organizations to place their orders as soon as possible. In addition, it is important to note that the transport and delivery teams are working expeditiously to get supplies across the state, therefore it is critical that they are able to make contact and deliver at the established times.  Please confirm correct contact information and deploy your team to be ready to accept delivery as scheduled.

The table below shows what types of organizations can order PPE and other materials, and the users (student and/or staff) that are included. Please note that the approved amounts are necessarily based on imperfect estimates of need, and for that reason DOE intends to review the use of the materials early in the school year in order to adjust the calculations for potential, additional orders.

Type of Organization How the Organization Orders and Receives Materials from DOE Supported PPE Users
Regional School Unit, School Administrative District, Municipal School Unit, Maine Indian Education, Community School District, “Town Academy”, and Charter School Direct from the state warehouse to the school unit using the online ordering system. Staff and publicly funded students
Career and Technical Education Centers: materials should be ordered via the school unit which serves as the fiscal agent.

Regions: materials should be ordered directly via the online ordering system.


Staff and publicly funded students
Private Special Purpose and Non-Traditional Limited Purpose schools Direct from the state warehouse to the school using the online ordering system. Publicly funded students
Private Non-Sectarian Schools Direct from the state warehouse to the school using the online ordering system. Publicly funded students
Child Development Services CDS staff at DOE will place the order. CDS regional sites will receive the materials. Organizations serving students funded through Child Development Services (CDS) will need to contact CDS to determine amounts and methods of delivery. Staff and publicly funded students


In order to ensure that the inventory is not depleted before every organization has had a chance to submit an order, it has been necessary to set approved order amounts for the first order of materials. These amounts were based on a limited timeframe (45 school days) and upon student and staff numbers. Allocations can be found here.  A guide for when specific supplies should be used and by whom is available here. The use of materials will be monitored from the start of the school year so that the inventory and additional efforts for procurement can be adjusted in line with demonstrated need.

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