Apply for grants to support youth-led service projects

The Maine Commission for Community Service is offering matching grants up to $500 to support youth-led community service projects or Semester of Service projects that take place or culminate on Global Youth Service Day (GYSD), held April 26 to 28, 2013.

GYSD celebrates and mobilizes the millions of young people, age five to 25, who improve their communities each day of the year through service. Established in 1988, GYSD is the largest service event in the world, and the only day of service dedicated to children and youth.

It is celebrated each year in 100+ countries, with young people working together—and with schools, youth organizations, nonprofits, community- and faith-based organizations, national service programs, government agencies, and adult mentors—to change their communities.

Applicant groups must include youths between the ages of five and 25 and residents of Maine. Teams may develop out of youth groups, nonprofit organizations, state and local government agencies, churches, schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education qualify. The Commission is unable to make awards to individuals.

All project proposals will be considered. The Commission encourage projects that address education, environmental stewardship, health, poverty/hunger, disaster preparedness and safety issues.

To learn more and apply:

  1. Register your name and contact information to download the application instructions.
  2. Read the instructions in full before submitting your application.
  3. Your application must be submitted electronically by filling out the online form. The link to this form can be found in the application instructions. Applications are due Feb. 24.

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