Suicide Prevention Resources for Maine Schools

Maine Crisis Line 1-888-568-1112 Call, text, chat. Available 24/7

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in Maine citizens ages 10-24 and among Maine high schoolers in 2021. The Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey found that 18.5% seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous 12 months. Given this pressing need, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Suicide Prevention Program, in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education (DOE) and many other incredible partners, continues to implement a variety of suicide prevention efforts aiming to reduce suicide deaths and attempts among Maine youth and young adults.

One of these efforts is the re-launch of the Filter Out the Noise campaign, which is a resource to help young people support their mental health and encourages them to reach out for help if they (or a friend) need it. Additional resources including social media graphics, trainings, and print resources are also available from the following partners:

Please help us spread the word that we can all help reduce the risk for suicide in our communities. It all starts with connection.

If you or someone you know are struggling with thoughts of suicide, call, text, or chat the Maine Crisis Line or the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.