Media Release: Maine DOE Launches New Podcast Highlighting Voices From Maine Schools

What Holds Us Together Podcast

Commissioner Pender Makin Hosts What Holds Us Together, First Episode Features Maine Teachers of the Year Matt Bernstein and Joshua Chard

The Maine Department of Education (DOE) launched a new podcast today hosted by Commissioner Pender Makin featuring conversations with educators, school staff, and students. The monthly podcast, What Holds Us Together, highlights the great things happening in public schools across Maine and how public education connects us.

The podcast launched with a conversation between Makin, 2023 Maine Teacher of the Year Matt Bernstein, and the newly named 2024 Maine Teacher of the Year Joshua Chard. The three discuss what they love about teaching and schools in Maine, the importance of public education, student voice, elevating the education profession, their message to aspiring teachers, and so much more.

“Public education is the most precious common good that we share. Every month, I’ll highlight the inspiring and amazing things happening in Maine schools through conversations with educators, school staff, and students across our state,” said Maine Education Commissioner Pender Makin in the podcast’s trailer.

What Holds Us Together can be listened to and subscribed to on all major podcast platforms, including Apple and Spotify. New episodes to be released on the third Thursday of every month.