Media Release: Maine DOE and Live and Work in Maine Launch Nationwide “Live and Teach in Maine” Campaign

Multifaceted Campaign Utilizes the Voices of Maine Teachers and Includes Targeted Advertising and Events to Recruit and Support a Vibrant Educator Workforce in Maine

The Maine Department of Education (DOE) and Live and Work in Maine have partnered to launch a nationwide Live and Teach in Maine campaign to attract educators to the state and strengthen the education profession. The multifaceted campaign includes a highly targeted advertising effort, new videos highlighting teachers who have chosen to make Maine their career destination, and events in-state to welcome, connect, and celebrate educators.

The Live and Teach in Maine campaign connects the high quality of life experienced through living in Maine with the advantages of teaching in Maine and highlights the voices of real teachers talking about why they love teaching in Maine public schools. The partnership between Live and Work in Maine and Maine DOE has two goals:

  1. To attract new educators to Maine’s public education system, and
  2. To elevate and celebrate the many outstanding teachers in our classrooms right now.

“We want the world to know that Maine is an amazing place to live and an extraordinary place to teach, and this partnership provides Maine educators with a megaphone to reach people with that message. We’re a state that deeply values and respects the creativity, autonomy, and professional judgment of our educators, we encourage innovation, and Maine educators get to be part of friendly, close-knit communities. If you’ve ever thought of teaching and living in Maine, Department of Education staff are a phone call away from helping you start your journey and our communities would love to have you,” said Maine Education Commissioner Pender Makin.  

“Maine’s public education system is among the best in the nation, and our quality of life is among the best in the world. We’re going to leverage those competitive advantages to attract new educators to Maine, retain the talented ones we already have, and help change the conversation about public education to be one of positivity and optimism,” said Live and Work in Maine Executive Director Nate Wildes.

Maine, like most of the nation, continues to experience an educator shortage that has been exacerbated by the pandemic. This partnership builds on the Maine DOE’s wide-ranging efforts to recruit, retain, and support a vibrant educator workforce and leverages Live and Work in Maine’s knowledge and expertise as the state’s premier organization devoted to attracting and retaining Maine’s workforce.

The campaign includes a new Live and Teach in Maine webpage, targeted social media and streaming ads, mobile billboards, subway ads, and events. All Maine school administrative units (SAUs) also have free access to the Live and Work in Maine job board so applicants can access job opportunities in Maine schools. The campaign is being funded through federal emergency relief funds to build and sustain Maine’s educator workforce following the pandemic.


About Live and Work in Maine
Live and Work in Maine’s mission is to market Maine as a career destination. Through our marketing efforts, we show the world that when it comes to quality of life and career opportunities, you can have the best of both by choosing to live and work in Maine. is a robust resource for potential and current Mainers, which enables searching for employers and jobs based on lifestyle and/or geographic region within Maine. The site also includes “success story” testimonials from professionals who have relocated to Maine, details on internships and first career options for college students and new graduates, and information on the lifestyle offered by each of Maine’s eight geographic regions.

About the Department of Education
The Maine Department of Education (DOE) promotes the best learning opportunities for all Maine students by focusing on a whole student approach; encouraging innovation; respecting educators; providing information, guidance, professional learning, and support to schools and educators; providing adequate and equitable school funding and resources; and inspiring trust in our schools.