PRIORITY NOTICE: Information for Schools About National Day of Mourning

As part of the National Day of Mourning that has been declared for Wednesday, December 5, 2018 in honor of President George H.W. Bush, who passed away Friday, November 30, Governor Paul R. LePage has directed that all executive branch State of Maine offices will be closed on Wednesday, December 5, 2018. Please be aware that public schools are not covered by this directive.

In a public statement released yesterday, Governor LePage stated, “I encourage our schools to use the National Day of Mourning as an important opportunity to learn about the life and legacy of President Bush, including such potential topics as the American Presidency, World War II and the Cold War. Schools should exercise their judgement as to age-appropriateness regarding watching the State Funeral.”

If schools opt to recognize the National Day of Mourning by closing school, they may use extra days built into their school calendar, the same as for a storm closure or other unexpected closures. A closure on the December 5, 2018 National Day of Mourning will not reduce the minimum requirement of 180 school days and 175 instructional days, pursuant to Title 20-A, Chapter 209.