FREE Resilience Strategies Training- Save the Date!

SAVE THE DATE!  Monday, October 26, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

The National Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) in partnership with the Maine Department of Education’s School Safety Center (MSSC) presents!  

Resilience Strategies for Educators and Community Partners: Techniques for Self-Care and Peer Support Train-the Educator

This session is designed to provide a learning opportunity for school and district caregivers to better understand, and teach others, resilience strategies following emergency events. (COVID-19 certainly qualifies!) The intended audiences for this training include but are not limited to: school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school and district administrators, educators and support staff, and community partners such as local mental/ behavioral health practitioners and SROs/police.

Free participation is limited to 475 attendees.

The registration link will be posted next week. For more information view this flyer (PDF)

The staff at the MSSC hope to see you there, virtually of course!