Maine Department of Education Hosts 1st Computer Science Summer Institute

Computer Science Summer Institute1

Nearly 100 educators from across the state attended a multi-day institute in July, focused around computer science education. Educators spent two and a half days engaging in sessions and collaborating to integrate computer science into their classrooms and upcoming school year activities. Topics included Robotics & Programming, Coding & Hardware, Augmented & Virtual Reality, and much more!

These educators also spent some time exploring connections between the mobile computer science labs and SLAM clubs at their schools to help leverage the mobile lab technology to promote student leadership and engage students as experts with the mobile labs.

Check out this video to learn more about the CS Summer Institute.

These educators will be sharing some of the awesome computer science learning experiences they’ve been creating at the CS Ed Showcase on August 17th. For more information about the CS Ed Showcase, check out this article.

#MaineTeachesCS #CSISummerInstitute #MLTI #MLTISLAM

If you have questions or would like to know more about computer science education in Maine, contact the (Acting) Learning Through Technology Coordinator and Computer Science Specialist, Emma-Marie Banks at

This event was funded by the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funding (GEER).